
The History Of Indonesia Dances

The development of the art of dance is influenced by the level of civilization at that time, and is also determined by the circumstances of the goverment as time. To learn about the proggres and the development of the art of indonesian, an outline of expected the growth of the danse is based on the period of the following the phases:

Dance in Prehistoric Age

At firs, the dances In the Prehistoric era dance was originally done with a very simple motion, just a  hands and feets gestures that cause rhythm on the equipment it carries, with imitating the animals motion or imitating the nature motion on their surroundings. Whereas accompaniment and music used is also very simple, just a monotonous clapping or singing. The Form of the presentation generally done collectively with a circular composition facing inwards.

Indonesian Dance During The Age of the Hindu Kingdom

In the days of the Hindu kingdom, Indonesian dances are influenced by the culture of India, among others Ramayama story and Mahabharata. Due to the influence of Hinduism, dance is used as a medium of worship of the gods, then dance becomes a very important part in religious ceremonies, as for other forms of dance relic of Hindu can be seen on the reliefs wall Prambanan Temple, Temple upgrading and other temples which is the cultural heritage of Indonesia-Hindu form of range of motion that has started to be introduced. Dance in the era of the Hindu Kingdom has developed very rapidly. As it gets the attention of the king and the nobles such as ceremonial dances, religious high artistic worth is now called classical dance tradition that comes from the palace. Among other things Bedhaya and Dance Dance Srimpi. According differences, Bedhaya dance on the dance Hindu era amounted to 7 people who symbolize the seven angel from heaven, while Tari Srimpi amounted to 4 dancers.

Indonesian dance at the Royal Period Islamic

With the entry of Islam to Indonesia, there is a shift in values and functions of the art of dance. When the Hindu era, the art of dance is used as a medium of worship to the gods, then the era of the Kingdom of Islamic art developed as a means of media dissemination and extension by adjusting Islamic civilization that has embraced Islam. As an example, a Prominent Islamic spreader / Guardian lot to create forms sekar / song that Islam breath.Dance Bedhaya that the era of Hindu dancer 7 symbolizes seven angel in heaven, at the time of Sultan Agung to 9 people who symbolize the Wali Sanga. At the court every birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad SAW sekati gamelan sounded which are now a Sekaten.

Indonesian dances In colonization era

At the time of colonization of dance not progress due at that time our country is occupied by foreign nations, so many art forms ruled out, because people want to escape from the turbulent invaders. Only in the court of the art of dance is still maintained for the benefit of ceremonies at the palace, for example: to welcome guests, for the coronation of the king's sons and daughters and so on. Meanwhile, among the people, just occasionally arise type of art as entertainment finished harvesting. The relics of the colonial era can be seen in the area Purworejo there Dolalak art imitating behavior-saedadu Dutch soldiers during the march. Dancing and singing to the sounds do-la-la (from 1 6 6) up until now herb with Dolalak, using clothing that mimicked the Dutch officer outfit complete with attributes. Besides, there is also the effect that arises at the court which explored carefully, namely Tari Srimpi that uses the property in the form of a gun that symbolizes resistance against the invaders.

Indonesian dance in the Age of Independence until now

After independence was achieved, the art of dance influenced by previous conditions, namely the existence of a very strong desire for independence, the dance forms many a form of heroism and dance began to function and was worked back as dance ceremonies, dance customs / traditions or dance entertainment. At this time the the coaching and development of the arts in Indonesia under the Ministry of National Education (MONE) and Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture. Both of these departments is a government agency that handles the coaching and development of the arts. Its activities include holding activities of art and has the task of preparing a variety of cultural missions were sent abroad AAU in the country.

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