
Tari Merak From West Java (Indonesian Peacock Dances)

History Of Indonesian Peacock Dances

Tari merak Or Peacock Dance History actually comes from Pasundan west java, this dance was created in the 1950s by a choreographer Raden Tjetjep Somantri. As the name implies, Peacock Dance is the implementation of  peacock life. Especially the behavior when male peacock want to lure the  peahen. Peafowl movement that show off the beauty of their tail feathers when they want to attract peahen clearly illustrated in the Peacock Dance.

The Costum Of Indonesian Peacock Dances

The color costume that worn by the dancers usually corresponds to the pattern of peacock feathers. In addition, the dancer's costume also comes with pair of wings that implements the form of a male peacock feathers that were expanding.

The Movement Of Indonesian Peacock Dances

Peacock movements graceful and charming illustrated of Peacock Dance movements are full of joy and elegance. Peacock Dance so often used to greet the groom or as entertainment for guests in the wedding and the national and international event. The following is a basic movement of peacock dance.

Head Movement

  • Galier (The movement rotating head)
  • Gilek (shaking movement of the head to the right and to the left)

Hand Movement

  • Ukel (Turning the hand movement)
  • Selut (right and left hand movements are driven forward or upward alternately). 
  • Tepak Bahu ( hand movements patted the shoulders of either one hand or two hands and even two hand turns).
  • Capang ( the hand movements bending of one hand).
  • Nyawang (a hand gesture indicating that're looking at circumstances far).
  • Lontang kanan / kiri (hand movements using two hands and moved interchangeably).

Feet Movement

  • Duduk Deku (Movement folded two feet to In) 
  • Seser (footwork shifted toward the right and the left)
  • sirig (footwork that wiggle the legs simultaneously).

Combined Movement

  • Mincid (The combined movement of the head, hands, and feet, and in the same motion, but the hands and feet of different pairs That's right hand with his left foot and vice versa).

The staging Indonesian Peacock Dances

In the play peacock dance is danced in unison, usually three dancers or it could be more. Each dancer has a function as women and men to the accompaniment of songs Tigers Ucul. In particular motion scenes sometimes waditra bonang struck on the wood so hard that sounded tight, it is part of the movement of a pair of peacocks who was making. Peacock movements graceful and enchanting drawn from the Peacock Dance movements are full of joy and elegance.

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